Physical Care & Nutrition Archives - HOCKLEY YOGA
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Physical Care & Nutrition

The nature of the mind is one which is constantly and actively busy, sending us messages, recorded tapes so to speak. filled with information about what we are doing, who we are, what we should be doing and  constantly reminding us of all our regrets about the past or unfulfilled expectations about the future. Yoga teaches us to learn to control the mind and to step in to be the masters of our thoughts.

Mineralize and alkalinize your cells and organs effectively!  This is the ideal time to bring to the front line what we need to put into the engines of our bodies for their best functioning and performance. Many of us find ourselves easily engaging in gardening activities more intensely as the end of the summer approaches and we face the start of a new season.

  Whenever we encounter an injury either during our yoga practice or during our everyday activities, the tendency is to interpret the unexpected and unfortunate event as something detrimental; and certainly the first reaction is to label it as: “not good.” However, many of the greatest lessons in life don’t arrive in the 'friendliest of packages.'

Aligning our dreams, aspiration and goals: Many of us tend to make most of our choices on automatic pilot. Few of us realize that we can choose at any given point in our lives to step in by deciding to give a different spin to our automatic responses by adopting a more positive and well-planned approach to the way we feel, think and act. 

The following is my own personal experience and my transition and evolution towards a low-impact diet on the environment and planet and a high impact diet on my health and hopefully a more wholesome well-being for our environment which took me from being raised on a meat-based diet throughout my childhood to a plant-based living food lifestyle in my adulthood.

Taking into account that enzymes are the very life-force in foods, whenever you cook food over 110 degrees Fahrenheit, the enzymes in the food start to deteriorate and potentially completely die. As a matter of fact, after a few seconds of being exposed to high temperatures, all enzymes in food are dead.

*Embrace Your Peace This Season - Inquire About Your Options In-Person & Online
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